Monday, 30 March 2015

Meeting with Zoltan 31/03/2015

Minor Tasks:
  1. Run simulation series for different anisotropies, cell growth rates
  2. Compare these with papers, values look too high at the moment
  3. read biology papers for 2. also (if time).
  4. MATLAB: data structures, functions vs scripts, saving variables and data.
  5. Plots of series
  6. Slices corresponding to time points where tumour is in growth region of interest.
Major Task:

  • Write code for calculating 'Centre of mass' of tumour.
0 /leq C(ijk) /leq 1 where C(ijk) is the tumour concentration in voxel ijk

Rcn = (1/N)* Sigma r(ijk) (C(ijk)/K)

r(ijk) = [i-1, j-1, k-1]dx

dx = voxel length

Currently in main loop, voxels labelled m,n,p as i,j,k coords, use this to create r vector then multiply by concentration at voxel i,j,k. 
Try initially using a for loop.  Once this is working, look for more elegant solutions?
  • Keep data separated from main code, save variables for each differing parameter run in a labelled folder, call these in separate functions.

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