Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Centre for Advanced Imaging meeting and Mouse Brain Data

  1. Following a meeting at CAI on Monday 03/08/2015, they have agreed to work with us and scan some of Simon Puttick's immunodeficient glioblastoma mice for us, to obtain a longitudinal data series. 
  2. Nyoman Kurniawan, the small animal imaging expert at CAI has shared a 9.44T mouse brain atlas with us, which I have been working to put into the code and simulate tumours. I have done some of the preliminary processing, extracted the diffusion tensor, now to put in the new scan dimensions into our code.  The mouse brain has much smaller voxels and  is a different shape, the dimensions of the scan are 72x90x170, with the long axis inferior-superior (z-axis) because the mice are scanned vertically with the nose pointing to the sky. The hard bit here is lining up all the data, looking at the way it is organised in mrinfo for example to extract the right coordinates and so on. 

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