Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Adjusting the anatomical boundary 25/06/15

Current plans and work:

One major issue that needs to be fixed is the lack of an anatomical boundry at the Falx Cerebri, which is a structure that the tumour cannot spread through as it is the reflection of the meninges between the two hemispheres and essentially a wall of connective tissue separating the left and right hemisphere apart from at the corpus callosum.  I experimented with adding in a set of points to the variable Dom, which is the brain mask set, I had promising initial results and will upload the code adjustment, check the boundary again in MRTrix and re-run some simulations.

I wrote a 2-D test code for the anisotropy measure which needs to be extended to 3D and applied to the brain data.   Before this I will examine the isocaps code and see what different isosurfaces look like and how much brain tissue they extend through.  I think looking at isocontours or isocaps superimposed on the MRI data would be a nice visualisation technique which I will work on too. 

In short:

1. Fix Domain problems re falx
2. Examine  isosurfaces
3. produce anisotropy measure.





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